Sunday, September 15, 2013

Climate Alarmist Bingo

Climate Alarmist Bingo

How to play: If you are ever caught in a room where a climatist is droning on about the doom that is sure to come if we don't stop burning fossil fuels, take out this handy bingo card. Climate Alarmist Bingo (TM) turns an otherwise tedious situation into fun for you and your friends. Check off each square as it is mentioned. Shout "BINGO!" the moment a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row of 5 is completed. If you want to shout a different two-syllable B word, well, who am I to tell you what to do?

It randomly regenerates with each reload of the page. There are 11,420,609,241,913,781,691,285,504,000,000 different cards!


  1. Suggestions:

    Warmest decade

  2. Cannot lose bingo, brilliant. maybe also Ipcc say's.

  3. The middle space (free space) should always be labeled as "Carbon Tax (nothing is free)"
